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Szélessá regulatory help for a faster and better Internet

Dozens of mobile operators and Internet service providers are competing for the attention of the audience and subscribers, offering a vast array of new services. We all share the natural need to have access to the most up-to-date communication tools that allow us to connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) is striving to ensure that these services are available to everyone in the best possible quality, with valuable content and free of discrimination. NMHH’s activities focus on users. Therefore, to ensure the quality and safety of Internet, the Authority monitors and analyses the operation of telecommunications companies continuously. Its most important duty is to protect the interests of the consumers using these services, and to sustain the diversity and efficient operation of the telecommunications and media market.

Szélessá, NMHH’s Internet speed measuring website provides objective data about the quality parameters of Hungarian broadband services and offers substantiated and independent information to users to help them make informed decisions about service providers and services.

By using Szélessá and performing your own measurements, you can also help us provide faster and higher quality Internet services.