Have you already registered?
If you have already registered, log in your user account by clicking on the “Belépés” (Login) link in the top left corner.
What to look out for during the registration?
Are you not sure what to write on the specific line? Then click on the question mark at the end of the line. The information in the pop-up window will help you fill in the line correctly.
Why should you register?
If you are a registered user who records the measurements on our website, you can access all your previous results after you log in, even years later. Our goal is to use the recorded measurement results to create a database that reveals when, where and how a certain service was performed, thereby ensuring that Internet users get from their service providers what they signed the contract for.
You can’t find your Internet subscription on the list?
Service providers are required to report to NMHH all their available subscription packages, which are then added to the database of Szélessáv.net. Some service providers may not comply with this obligation in time, i.e. they fail to report the specific service. If your subscription package is not on the list, please contact us so that we can identify the root of the problem and take any necessary action.