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Illusztráció: a képen egy NMHH-s mérődoboz (tulajdonképpen egy programozott útválasztó eszköz) látható

Request a metering box!
Check your software measurements with a hardware device.
Let’s draw Hungary’s broadband map together!
If you have already registered on our website and you have performed at least five measurements as a user with our software tools, you can now see an application form.
If you cannot yet see the form, the reason can be threefold:
  1. You have not yet registered on our website.
  2. You are already a registered user but you are currently not logged in.
  3. You are logged in but you as a registered user have not yet completed the five software measurements required for the application.
Do not apply if your Internet speed is higher than 1000 Mbps.
Currently, we are focusing on services where the bandwidth offered by the service provider is lower than 1000 Mbps.
If your subscription is for a nominal download speed higher than 1000 Mbps, we ask you not to request a measuring box just yet.
Later, of course, these measurement hardware devices will be available also to users with super-fast Internet connection.
Our objective is to create a representative sample.
NMHH’s goal is to create a regionally representative, public, anonymized database from the data of the remote hardware measuring devices to establish an accurate broadband map of Hungary.
Therefore, we may need to reject your application because the data of a measuring device at the address you provided would statistically distort database accuracy.
So if you get a rejection letter from us, the primary reason is that your application did not meet one of the two fundamental criteria listed above.
You are not registered, or registered but not currently logged in.
Please register or log in.

You can register here: Registration
More precise result with an NMHH metering box
The metering boxes are hardware devices owned by NMHH which are operating in the house of our partners participating in the program. The metering box shall be installed between the network termination point and the user device. This special rooter performs its tasks automatically at times when no other data traffic can affect the test results.
Contract, declaration of consent
The agreement available in the attached PDF shall enter into force between the NMHH and the internet user at the time when our partner (you) takes delivery of the metering box requested through website in the framework of the Broadband Programme.
The declaration of consent does not need to be completed, signed and countersigned by witnesses unless the internet subscriber and the contracting party are different persons.
The metering script
The metering script is a code running in the hardware device when it performs its tests.